How It's Made
色々なモノが作られる過程を見せる、カナダのドキュメンタリー、How It's Made。YouTubeに、5分程度の動画が大量にアップされています。
Bicycle seats:
冒頭~ (米国英語)
The bicycle is the most [ ] mode of transport ever invented. 99% of the effort [ ] [ ] to turning a pedal is tranferred to movement, so [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ], [ ] [ ]. Using cutting-edge materials, a high-performance seat can [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] five ounces. This company made a special seat for a past [ ] [ ] [ ] winner. In fact, half the cyclists on the prestigious Pro Tour racing circuit use their seats.
自転車はこれまで発明された中で最も効率的な交通手段です。ペダルをこぐのに使われる力の99%が動力になるので、車体は軽ければ軽いほどよいのです。 [ ]の素材を使っているため、高性能なシートには、5オンス(約140g)ほどしかないものもあります。このメーカーは、過去の[ ]の優勝者用に特別なシートを製作しました。この有名なプロツアーのレースコースを走る選手の実に半数が、このメーカーのシートを使っています。
Custom made running shoes:
冒頭~ (カナダ英語)
Poorly fitted shoes can [ ] a runner's day. They can compromise the runner's gait and [ ] [ ] [ ]. It's why custom made running shoes have become popular. Tailored for one specific pair of feet, they give the runner the necessary support to go the distance.
[ ] [ ] the use of synthetic materials, the running shoe is more lightweight and flexible [ ] [ ] [ ]. Customizing these shoes takes the concept one step further.
Then they insert a memory foam insole which melts to the shape of the foot. This insole is also breathable and has been [ ] [ ] an anti-bacterial agent.
次に、[ ]素材の中敷きを挿入します。これは足の形に合わせて溶けるものです。この中敷きはさらに、通気性がよく、抗菌物質で加工されています。
Grand Piano:
0:15~ (イングランド英語)
The main difference from a standard up-right piano is [ ] in a grand, the strings are [ ] and have to be arranged [ ]. The sound is produced by a felt hammer hitting up to three strings at once. The [ ] and [ ] the strings are, [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ].
The workings of the piano are now complete. But before it [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] the casing, an expert must check that all the hammers reach the same key stroke height so they produce an even sound. A key has to drop under a weight of 52g and they all have to be tested one by one. Who said the music industry was glamourous?
標準的なアップライトピアノとの主な違いは、グランド(ピアノ)では弦が[ ]、[ ]に配置されることです。ピアノの音はフェルトのハンマーが一度に最大3本の弦をたたくことで生まれます。弦が[ ]ければ[ ]ほど、[ ]が[ ]なります。