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The silencing of a Yemeni social media star

以前、このブログで紹介した、BBCの動画“Guess My Country”で、自国について流暢な英語で紹介していた男性が、イエメン当局に拘束されたというニュースが入ってきました。Hisham Al-Omeisy というこの男性、実は若き政治評論家で、彼のツイッター・アカウントには25,000人のフォロワーがいるそうです。いったい何があったのでしょうか。8月28日のBBC Trendingの記事です。

★記事の中ほどに、BBC Trendingのラジオ(ポッドキャスト)へのリンクあり。

prolific [prəlífik]: (作家・芸術家などが)多作の、〈イ〉(ブロガーなどが)頻繁に情報を発信する

humanitarian: 人道主義の、人道的な

media outlet: 報道機関、放送局

turn to: ~に頼る

catastrophe [kətǽstrəfi]: 大災害、第三次、破滅的状況

detain [ditéin]: 拘束する、拘留する

goon:〈俗〉 (雇われた)暴力団、ならず物、間抜け

turn up/show up: (不意に)現れる、姿を現す

be backed by: ~の支援を受けた


convoy: 1. 護送 2. 車列

amnesty [ǽmnəsti]: 1.〈法〉(政治犯などの)恩赦 2.〈法〉執行停止期間

advocacy [ǽdvəkəsi]: 1. 擁護、弁護 2. 弁護士業 3. (人が自己主張できるようにする)支援運動

violation [vàiəléiʃən]: 違反(行為)、侵害

without charge: 告訴されずに

be in breach of: ~に違反している

constitution: 憲法

censorship [sénsərʃìp]: 検閲

defiant [difáiənt]: 反抗的な

arbitrarily [ɑ̀ːrbətrérəli]: 任意に、独断的に


こちらは一昨年、ロシア・トゥデイのニュースにTV中継で出演するHisham Al-Omeisyさんの動画。B=Broadcaster, HA: Hisham Al-Omeisy


B: A suicide bombing at a mosque in the capital [   ] [   ] [   ] [   ] 29 people. We can now speak to political analyst Hisham Al-Omeisy who was nearby, certainly, in the vicinity of what happened there. Thanks for coming on so quickly. [   ] [   ] [   ] [   ] in a safe area. What did you see near the mosque?

HA: It was a bloody scene, actually. It was a twin suicide bombing that happened and killed 29 people. There are dozens of people injured; there was blood [   ] [   ] [   ] [   ]. Unfortunately because (it’s, . . . really) there are a lot of people at the mosque during the suicide bombing. People are rushing to the area, [   ] [   ] [   ] (and) take the injured (and the wounded) to the hospital. Unfortunately because there’s no drugs at the hospitals (and) there’s no blood at the hospitals, now people are being [   ] [   ] [   ] [   ] [   ] blood there.

B: Also we understand that this, of course, is not the first of incidents like this; the Yemeni capital has suffered a string of bombings targeted Shia mosques in recent months. Who are we thinking [   ] [   ] [   ] this latest attack?

HA: It has to be the Islamic State. You have to remember al-Qaeda outlawed the attacking of mosques early on. For the past six months, multiple attacks on Shia mosques or Houthi-affiliated mosques happened and have been claimed by the Islamic State. Yesterday, for instance, when (the) al-Quaeda was, again, repeatedly saying there is no attacking in mosques, the Islamic State was gearing up for more attacks. Unfortunately the Saudi clerics yesterday, on Arafah, on the Mass of Arafah, they were again preaching hate speech against the Houthis, against the Yemenis in large basically, and that is why, to a lot of people in Sana’a, the capital, the attack was not a surprise; it [   ] [   ] [   ] a surprise to us. With that much hate speech on TV, when it relate to millions of Muslims, especially when there is Islamic State in Yemen, [   ] [   ] [   ] [   ] [   ].


B: A suicide bombing at a mosque in the capital has killed up to 29 people. We can now speak to political analyst Hisham Al-Omeisy who was nearby, certainly, in the vicinity of what happened there. Thanks for coming on so quickly. We hope you’re now in a safe area. What did you see near the mosque?

HA: It was a bloody scene, actually. It was a twin suicide bombing that happened and killed 29 people. There are dozens of people injured; there was blood all over the place. Unfortunately because (it’s, . . . really) there are a lot of people at the mosque during the suicide bombing. People are rushing to the area, trying to help (and) take the injured (and the wounded) to the hospital. Unfortunately because there’s no drugs at the hospitals (and) there’s no blood at the hospitals, now people are being asked to go and donate blood there.

B: Also we understand that this, of course, is not the first of incidents like this; the Yemeni capital has suffered a string of bombings targeted Shia mosques in recent months. Who are we thinking could be behind this latest attack?

HA: It has to be the Islamic State. You have to remember al-Qaeda outlawed the attacking of mosques early on. For the past six months, multiple attacks on Shia mosques or Houthi-affiliated mosques happened and have been claimed by the Islamic State. Yesterday, for instance, when (the) al-Qaeda was, again, repeatedly saying there is no attacking in mosques, the Islamic State was gearing up for more attacks. Unfortunately the Saudi clerics yesterday, on Arafah, on the Mass of Arafah, they were again preaching hate speech against the Houthis, against the Yemenis in large basically, and that is why, to a lot of people in Sana’a, the capital, the attack was not a surprise; it didn’t come as a surprise to us. With that much hate speech on TV, when it relate to millions of Muslims, especially when there is Islamic State in Yemen, such an attack is expected.

in the vicinity of: ~の近くに

all over the place: そこら中に

a string of: 一連の

outlaw: ~を法的に禁止する

multiple: 多数の

affiliate: (人や団体を)会員[仲間・支部]にする、傘下に置く

be claimed by: ~によって犯行声明を出される

gear up for: ~に向けて準備をする

cleric: 牧師、聖職者

Mass: ミサ

preach: (人)に説教する

in large: 広い見地から

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