The Man Who Takes a Plane to Work Every Day
BBC Capitalより、記事+動画(字幕付き)
カートさんが利用しているのは、2013年に誕生したSurf Airという会員制エアライン。月額$1750でカリフォルニア州内乗り放題、「空のUBER」として話題のスタートアップ企業です。
こちらは一昨年のBBC Clickという番組による、Surf Airの紹介(3分04秒)。
(The) Check-in was an absolute breeze*. I'm now seated on the aircraft [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ], and the flight time to San Francisco is about an hour and fifteen minutes. It certainly [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] a commercial airliner, that's for sure. You can get used to traveling like this.
Passengers are all pre-vetted*, so [ ] [ ] [ ] a short time before their flight without the need for lengthy [ ] [ ].
*breeze: いとも簡単にできること、楽勝
*pre-vetted: 予め身元チェックが済んでいる
(The) Check-in was an absolute breeze. I'm now seated on the aircraft in my comfortable chair, and the flight time to San Francisco is about an hour and fifteen minutes. It certainly beats being packed into a commercial airliner, that's for sure. You can get used to traveling like this.
Passengers are all pre-vetted, so they can arrive a short time before their flight without the need for lengthy security procedures.
breeze: 1. そよ風、微風 2. いとも簡単にできること、楽勝
beat: 1. 打つ、たたく 2. (敵を)打ち負かす
commercial airliner: 民間航空機 (Surf Airもそうだが、ここでは一般的な旅客機のことを指す)
vet: 1. 獣医をする 2. 厳しく検査する
lengthy: 非常に長い、長くて退屈な
security procedures: 空港の保安検査