Mexico's Cartoon Therapists - BBC Stories
短いドキュメンタリー動画をウィークデーに毎日UpするBBC Storiesより。
In Mexico a psychologist has come up with an unusual way of getting children, dealing with traumatic experiences, to open up about what's happened to them.She's getting them to speak to a cartoon alien.
open up about: ~について打ち明ける
controversial: 議論を引き起こす、物議をかもす
therapist: 療法士
high five: ハイタッチ
get to the heart of: ~の核心に迫る
court case: 訴訟
convict sb of 〈a crime〉: 人を~で有罪と宣告する
build rapport with sb [ræpɔ́ːr]: 人と信頼関係を確立する